German Handwriting – Translation Service
For many years we have provided our customers with accurate and much desired transcriptions of old German handwriting to contemporary German. Recently, we began offering translations of old German handwriting to contemporary English.
Many people have difficulty reading old German handwriting. Even those who are native to Germany cannot read the older script. There are many reasons for this, most of all that teaching in schools of the old script has stopped many decades ago.
However, there is no reason for information to be lost or histories to be forgotten. With our professional and discreet services, you can regain what was forgotten of past generations.
We are pleased to offer these services to our customers in need. Just drop us a message at and include a sample of the document. We will get back to you immediately.
Types of Documents We Transcribe
We will transcribe or translate any handwritten document you present us with. However, the following types of documents are quite common.
- Personal letters
- Memoirs
- Family histories
- Family business records
- Government business records
It is entirely possible that you have no idea what type of document you have in your possession. If an ancestor left documents behind, you may have no way of reading them— if they are in the old German handwriting. However, this does little to assuage the curiosity of most people in the current generation.
Transcribing or translating old documents, even personal letters, can open a window into the past. It can give you insight as to the life of the person who wrote them. It can provide key points in family histories, and be a cornerstone in genealogical research.
The information within these documents can provide insights as to how family businesses were run in the past, how family heirlooms came into possession, or give you an insider’s viewpoint to the past and the time of the Nazi regime or before.
If you are in possession of old documents and you are curious about what they contain, look no further. We give an estimate for free. Just send us a sample of your document, and let us know how many pages you have, and we will give you a quote
As a general rule, you can estimate $.04-.08 per word for transcription, and an additional $.04 per word for translation to English.
However, discounts may apply if the handwriting is very easy to read or you have more than five pages. Please contact us today at for more details and information about your transcription or translation.
The Difference Between Old German Writing and Contemporary Writing Styles
Prior to 1941, the common German script that was used and taught was called Sütterlin script. Prior to that, government officials used a script called Fraktur. Since 1941, neither of these scripts have been used consistently, and eventually the use of these scripts completely died out.
In 1941, the Nazi government dictated that Sütterlin would no longer be taught in schools. A new contemporary German script was put into place instead. There is much speculation about why this occurred. Some believe that it was mandated due to the high hopes of the regime to conquer other countries, and they wanted a script that was easier to read and understand by others.
Whatever the reasons behind the mandate were, the new script was introduced in schools. Even after the Nazi regime fell, the new script was still taught, and Sütterlin was no longer taught to these younger generations. This has led to the younger generations not being able to read Sütterlin script.
There are many documents that may be in the possession of current generations that they may wish to decipher. Whether it is for business or personal reasons, we can help. We are very discreet and keep your documents completely private.
The transcription or translation is only given to you. We do not keep copies of your documents once transcription or translation is complete. You retain privacy while still being able to understand what past generations left behind. We are happy to hear from you at